My Time At Sandrock - All Recipes And Cooking Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (2024)

Home » Game Guides » My Time At Sandrock – All Recipes And Cooking Guide (Updated)

Game Guides

Posted on July 13, 2023

We’re really enjoying My Time At Sandrock as you can tell by our many guides on the subject. Cooking is a great mechanic to make food yourself some food when you go ruin diving. But it’s also fun to find out everyone’s favourite recipes and give them to them as gifts!

While most things are somewhat doable to figure out Cooking is one thing that really isn’t clear. I don’t know if it’s by design or because the game is still in Early Access but Cooking is one thing that isn’t too clear here. So in this guide, we’ll go step by step through the various crafting stations you’ll need. As well as the recipes and their discovery process.

Disclaimer:My Time At Sandrockwas released on the 26th of May 2022 in Early Access. As such information in this guide is subject to changes and additions. We’ll be adding more to this guide as the game updates!

Contents hide

1 Cooking Stations

1.1 Drying Rack

1.3 Chef’s Cooking Station

1.3.1 Wok Recipes

1.4 Advanced Cooking Station

1.4.1 Oven Recipes

1.5 Blender

2 How To Unlock Recipes

3 My Time At Sandrock Guides

Cooking Stations

My Time At Sandrock - All Recipes And Cooking Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (1)

The productivity of your workshop in My Time At Sandrock is linked to the various machines that you have in there. In the beginning, you’ll be heading to Qi to give him some Data Discs for schematics. With some of the most important being the Grinder, Processor, Dew Collector etc. But once everything is up and running start your Cooking journey by unlocking the Drying Rack first.

These are all the cooking machines available in My Time At Sandrock now.

  • Drying Rack
  • Apprentice Cooking Station
    • Cooking Pot Recipes
    • Steamer Recipes
  • Chef’s Cooking Station
    • Wok Recipes
  • Advanced Cooking Station
    • Oven Recipes
  • Blender

Drying Rack

Blueprint: 6x Data Discs from the Research Center (3 Days)
Recipe: Assembly Station – 4x Copper Stick, 4x Copper Screw

RecipeCraft TimeIngredientsEffectSell PriceLiked By
Dried Sandberry1h 15m2x SandberryStamina +2 (2s for 10s)11Pebbles
Dried Sandacuda2h1x Sandacuda
1x Soy Sauce
Stamina +3650Burgess, Captain
Jerky1h 15m1x MeatStamina +710Nemo
Paper1h 30m2x Plant Fiber3
Salted Fish1h 30m1x Sand Carp
1x Salt
Stamina +1620⁠Macchiato,⁠⁠Mort

Apprentice Cooking Station

Once you have the Drying Rack unlocked you’ll be able to unlock the Apprentice Cooking Station. Which holds the Cooking Pot and the Steamer.

Blueprint: 12x Data Discs from the Research Center (3 Days)
Recipe: Assembly Station – 1x Copper Pot, 3x Marble Slab, 3x Rubber Shell, 3x Bronze Bars, 4x Hard Wood

Cooking Pot Recipes

RecipeIngredientsEffectSell PriceLiked By
Beef Noodles1x Meat
1x Flour
1x Soy Sauce
DEF +15 (30s)18Grace, Hugo, Justice, Rocky, Yan
Braised BBQ Ribs1x Rib Meat
1x Soy Sauce
1x Sugar
1x Five Spice Powder
DMG +50 (30s)37Nemo, Cooper, Justice
Braised Meat1x Meat
1x Potato
1x Sugar
1x Sand Leek
DMG +4% (30s)19
Chestnut Pork1x Chestnut
1x Meat
1x Soy Sauce
DMG +20 (30s)19Burgess, Cooper, Jensen, Rocky
Chilly Sandrice Noodles1x Sandrice
1x Flour
1x Soy Sauce
1x Chilli
DEF +14 (30s)15Trudy, Zeke
Drool With Joy Noodles1x Flour
1x Meat
1x Rib Meat
1x Alfalfa
1x Seesai Pepper Blend
DMG +12% (30s)30Mi-An
Farmer’s Stew1x Meat
1x Desert Mushroom
1x Potato
1x Flour
1x Sea Salt
DEF +6% (30s)25Matilda
Fine Beef Noodles1x Meat
1x Flour
1x Soy Sauce
1x Cilantro
DEF +33 (30s)27
Fine Braised Meat1x Meat
1x Cistanche
1x Sugar
1x Five Spice Powder
DMG +12% (30s)50
Fine Hot and Sour Fish1x Sandacuda
1x Vinegar
1x Chili
DEF +64 (30s)43Arvio
Fish Porridge1x Sand Carp
1x Rice
1x Sand Leek
1x Soy Sauce
DMG +35 (30s)28Ernest
Macaroni1x Flour
1x Tomato
1x Egg
DEF +9 (30s)11
Mushroom Soup1x Desert Mushroom
1x Sea Salt
1x Sand Leek
DEF +16 (30s)16Amirah, Sandy
Sand Tea Beef1x Meat
1x Tea Leaves
1x Cilantro
1x Five Spice Powder
DMG +56 (30s)40Cooper, Dan-bi, Grace, Pen, Rian
Sand Tea Noodles1x Flour
1x Sand Leek
1x Soy Sauce
DMG +3% (30s)13Burgess, Catori, Trudy, Owen
Sandberry Egg Soup1x Sandberry
1x Egg
1x Sand Leek
DMG +10 (30s)13Mort, Owen
Spicy Bean Paste1x Potato
1x Meat
1x Chili
DEF +13 (30s)14
Stewed Eagle Cistanche1x Cistanche
1x Chestnut
1x Meat
1x Sea Salt
Stamina +4 (2s for 30s)45Grace, Owen, Trudy, Ernest, Yan
Tea Egg1x Egg
1x Tea Leaves
1x Sea Salt
DMG +16 (30s)16Qi
Tea Porridge1x Tea Leaves
1x Rice
DEF +3% (30s)14Qi
Tomato and Egg Soup1x Tomato
1x Egg
1x Sand Leek
DMG +12 (30s)16
Tomato Beef Brisket1x Tomato
1x Meat
1x Sea Salt
DMG +3% (30s)15Nemo, Amirah, Burgess, Rian
Tomato Fish1x Tomato
1x Sand Carp
1x Egg
1x Sand Leek
DEF +35 (30s)28Pebbles, Heidi, Hugo, Macchiato, Vivi

Steamer Recipes

RecipeIngredientsEffectSell PriceLiked By
Bitter Bean Cake1x Bitter Beans
1x Rice
1x Sugar
Stamina +1 (2s for 30s)9Owen
Egg Custard1x Egg
1x Sea Salt
HP +3 (2s for 30s)5
Fine Mushroom Forest Cake1x Desert Mushroom
1x Egg
1x Cistanche
Stamina +4 (2s for 30s)62Jasmine, Ernest, Owen
Fine Sandberry Zongzi1x Sandberry
1x Sandrice
1x Meat
1x Ant Honey
Stamina +2 (2s for 30s)21Trudy, Owen
Honey Sambo1x Sandberry
1x Cactus Leaf
1x Cantaloupe
1x Ant Honey
HP +19 (2s for 30s)18Jasmine, Mabel
Meat Bun1x Meat
1x Flour
1x Sand Leek
Stamina +1 (2s for 30s)15Nemo
Meat Stuffed Mushroom1x Desert Mushroom
1x Meat
1x Soy Sauce
HP +26 (2s for 30s)26Haru, Matilda, Mort
Milk Steamed Egg1x Yakmel Milk
1x Egg
HP +5 (2s for 30s)7Catori
Mushroom Forest Cake1x Desert Mushroom
1x Egg
1x Sugar
Stamina +1 (2s for 30s)15Jasmine, Arvio, Ernest, Fang
Rib Gumbo1x Rib Meat
1x Rice
1x Popping Oil Fruit
HP +51 (2s for 30s)36Nemo, Rocky, Unsuur
Sandberry Sponge Cake1x Sandberry
1x Rice
HP +5 (2s for 30s)7Mabel, Owen
Sandberry Zongzi1x Sandberry
1x Rice
1x Sugar
Stamina +1 (2s for 30s)9Trudy, Owen
Sandrice Cake1x Sandrice
1x Sugar
Stamina +1 (2s for 30s)7Owen
Sandrice Sushi1x Sandrice
1x Meat
1x Vinegar
HP +13 (2s for 30s)14Miguel, Owen
Steamed Meat Pie with Salty Eggs1x Meat
1x Rice
1x Soy Sauce
Stamina +1 (2s for 30s)19All Neutral
Steamed Sandfish1x Sand Carp
1x Sea Salt
1x Sand Leek
Stamina +2 (2s for 30s)22Burgess, Hugo, Macchiato, Mort
Steamed Sweet Potato1x Sweet PotatoHP +2 (2s for 30s)4Haru
Sweet Potato with Meat1x Sweet Potato
1x Meat
1x Soy Sauce
HP +17 (2s for 30s)20

Chef’s Cooking Station

You can upgrade the Apprentice Cooking Station to the Chef’s Cooking Station to gain access to the Cooking Pot, Steamer and Wok.

Blueprint: 16x Data Discs from the Research Center (4 Days)
Recipe: Intermediate Assembly Station – 1x Frying Pan, 2x Steel Frame, 2x Copper Pot, 3x Bloodstone Core, 2x Hardwood Planks

Wok Recipes

RecipeIngredientsEffectSell PriceLiked By
Alfalfa Salad1x Alfalfa
1x Sea Salt
1x Chili
HP +10912CoCo, Fang, Miguel, Mort, Sandy, X, Zeke
Churros1x Flour
1x Sugar
HP +335
Cilantro Meatloaf1x Meat
1x Cilantro
1x Flour
1x Five Spice Powder
Stamina +2631
Cilantro Omelet1x Cilantro
1x Egg
1x Sea Salt
HP +15916Burgess
Fine Di Sanxian1x Cistanche
1x Desert Mushroom
1x Alfalfa
1x Soy Sauce
Stamina +12%52Matilda
Fruit Salad1x Cactus Leaf
1x Sandberry
1x Cantaloupe
Stamina +1012CoCo, Dan-bi, Fang, Fennec Fox, Meerkat, Pablo, X
Highwind Fried Rice1x Rice
1x Potato
1x Egg
1x Soy Sauce
HP +3%18Mabel, Vivi
Master Chef Omelet1x Egg
1x Sea Salt
HP +295
Melon and Beef1x Cantaloupe
1x Meat
1x Sugar
1x Sea Salt
HP +3%16Captain
Milk Chestnut1x Yakmel Milk
1x Chestnut
1x Sugar
HP +10912Andy, Jasmine, Pebbles, Qi
Onion Cake1x Flour
1x Sand Leek
1x Sea Salt
Stamina +89
Rice Omelet1x Egg
1x Rice
1x Soy Sauce
HP +9711
Roast Rutabaga1x Rutabaga
1x Sea Salt
1x Chilli
1x Alfalfa
Stamina +2035Elsie
Spicy and Sour Potato1x Potato
1x Vinegar
1x Chili
HP +759Arvio, Justice, Mi-an
Sugar Fried Chestnut1x Chestnut
1x Sugar
Stamina +78Mabel, Jasmine
Sweet and Sour Pork1x Meat
1x Flour
1x Sugar
Stamina +1113Nemo
Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs1x Rib Meat
1x Sugar
1x Vinegar
Stamina +5%24Andy
Sweet Potato Bake1x Sweet Potato
1x Flour
Stamina +56Hugo, Mabel, Jasmine
Tomato Scrambled Egg1x Tomato
1x Egg
1x Sea Salt
Stamina +910
Veggie Stir-Fry1x Cilantro
1x Desert Mushroom
1x Alfalfa
1x Soy Sauce
Stamina +8%41Matilda, Trudy

Advanced Cooking Station

You can upgrade the Apprentice Cooking Station to the Chef’s Cooking Station to gain access to the Cooking Pot, Steamer, Wok and Oven.

Blueprint: 20x Data Discs from the Research Center (6 Days)
Recipe: Intermediate Assembly Station – 1x Frying Pan, 1x Copper Pot, 2x Magnesium-Chromium Furnace Core, 6x Granite Slab, 2x Microchip

Oven Recipes

RecipeIngredientsEffectSell PriceLiked By
Alfalfa Baked Eggs1x Alfalfa
1x Egg
1x Sea Salt
CRIT DMG +2% (30s)14
Beef Tacos1x Meat
1x Flour
1x Egg
1x Sand Leek
CRIT DMG +4% (30s)20
Bread1x Flour
1x Egg
1x Sugar
CRIT DMG +2% (30s)10
Cheese Sandwich1x Flour
1x Yakmel Milk
1x Egg
1x Tomato
CRIT DMG +3% (30s)18Andy, Jasmine, Mabel
Five Spice Steak1x Rib Meat
1x Potato
1x Five Spice Powder
1x Sea Salt
CRIT DMG +8% (30s)41
Hashbrown1x Potato
1x Flour
1x Egg
1x Sand Leek
CRIT DMG +3% (30s)17
Honey Barbecued Pork1x Meat
1x Ant Honey
1x Five Spice Powder
1x Soy Sauce
CRIT DMG +6% (30s)34Andy, Unsuur
Lasagne1x Flour
1x Yakmel Milk
1x Tomato
1x Meat
CRIT DMG +4% (30s)23
Marinated Steak1x Rib Meat
1x Sea Salt
1x Five Spice Powder
1x Seesai Pepper
CRIT DMG +8% (30s)46
Melon Mousse1x Cantaloupe
1x Flour
1x Egg
CRIT DMG +2% (30s)20
Pizza1x Flour
1x Yakmel Milk
1x Meat
1x Egg
CRIT DMG +3% (30s)19
Roasted Sweet Potato1x Sweet PotatoCRIT DMG +1% (30s)5
Sweet Potato Pie1x Sweet Potato
1x Flour
1x Egg
CRIT DMG +2% (30s)11


The Blender is an additional machine that can be unlocked to assist you in your cooking journey.

Blueprint: 12x Data Discs from the Research Center (4 Days)
Recipe: Assembly Station – 1x Bronze Blade, 3x Steel Bar, 2x Bearing, 1x Engine

RecipeCraft TimeIngredientsEffectSell PriceLiked By
Bassia Potion1h 30m1x Foggy Bassia
1x Bitter Beans
Prevent Burns (60s)18Justice, Mort, X, Fang
Bran Bait (5)1h 30m2x Flour
2x Rice
1x Water
Fang Special2h1x Lavender Extract
1x Oregano
HP +30%18Justice, Mort, Venti, X, Yan, Fang
Fang Special X3h1x Fang Special
1x ⁠⁠Cistanche
HP +60%32Justice, Mort, X, Miguel, Pen, Venti, Yan, Zeke, Fang
Fertilizer1h 15m2x Manure
1x Plant Fiber
5Burgess, CoCo, Dan-bi, Trudy, Zeke
Five Spice Powder (3)1h 35m1x Chili
1x Seesai Pepper
1x Alfalfa
1x Garlic
8⁠Krystal, Burgess, Zeke
Flour (5)1h 15m4x Wheat2
Golden Bell Pill2h1x Haloxylon Fruit
1x ⁠⁠Yakmel Horn
DEF +20% (60s)22Justice, Mort, X, Amirah, Miguel, Pen, Venti, Yan, Zeke, Fang
Hemostat1h3x Oregano
1x Medicine Bottle
HP +30015Justice, Mort, Venti, X
Iron Muscle Soup2h1x Cactus Flower
1x Animal Bones
DMG +20% (60s)34Justice, Mort, X, Miguel, Pen, Venti, Yan, Zeke
Lavender Extract1h1x Ant Honey
1x Yellow Lavender
HP +10 (1s for 30s)9Mort, Venti, Fang, X
Orchid Extract1h 30m1x Hyacinth Orchid
1x Bitter Beans
Prevent Poison (60s)18Amirah, Justice, Mort, Venti, X, Fang
Sandberry Jam1h1x Sandberry
1x Sugar
Endurance +2 (2s for 30s)9Mabel, Owen, Jasmine
Strong Medicine1h 15m3x Bitter Beans
1x Medicine Bottle
HP +80026Mort, Amirah, Justice, Venti, X, Yan
Thunderweed Extract1h 30m1x Heliconia Nail
1x Bitter Beans
Prevents Numb (60s)18Mort, Justice, Venti, X, Yan, Zeke, Fang

How To Unlock Recipes

My Time At Sandrock - All Recipes And Cooking Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (2)

The recipe discovery process in My Time At Sandrock is a bit random, to say the least. It involves experimentation and discovery with your cooking machines. Simply go to your Cooking Station and select whichever ingredients you’d like to add in and cook.

  1. Select at least one Main Ingredient.
  2. Select one or more additional ingredients or herbs.
  3. Select your Cooking Tool.
  4. Hit the Confirm button.

If you manage to stumble upon a correct recipe, you’ll get that new recipe’s result in your inventory and you can add it to your list. If not, you’ll get Food Scraps and effectively waste the food.

In this case, it’s probably better to follow a recipe if you’re not keen on wasting food and time. One way is to befriend the people of Sandrock. As you get to know them better, they’ll teach you recipes and you can in turn sell whatever recipes you have to them.

This makes cooking much easier because you’ll be able to select the recipe at your Cooking Station and let it auto-cook, provided you have said recipe and its ingredients.

My Time At Sandrock

My Time At Sandrockis will be out onSteamandEpic Games on May 26th 2022! For more information about gameplay features in My Time At Sandrock check out our early article here!

My Time At Sandrock Guides

  • My Time At Sandrock – Bachelor Guide
  • My Time At Sandrock – Bachelorette Guide
  • My Time At Sandrock – Farming Guide
  • My Time At Sandrock – Sandfishing Guide
  • My Time At Sandrock – Festival Guide

Tagged:farming simlife simmy time at portiamy time at sandrockpathea games

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.