My Time at Sandrock Cooking Guide: All Recipes and How to Unlock Them | Attack of the Fanboy (2024)

One of the most fun activities in My Time at Sandrock is cooking various foods. This guide will cover all recipes in My Time at Sandrock and how to unlock them.

All Cooking Recipes in My Time at Sandrock

Below, you will find all the recipes in My Time at Sandrock and their ingredients. The type of cooking station appears in the order from which the player unlocks them in-game. For example, the Drying Rack is first unlocked, with the Blender coming last. Use the table of contents to jump around this guide.

Table of Contents

  • Drying Rack Recipes
  • Cooking Pot Recipes
  • Steamer Recipes
  • Wok Recipes
  • Oven Recipes
  • Blender Recipes

All Drying Rack Recipes

Players will start their cooking journey with the Drying Rack. Below you can find all the recipes that can be made on the Drying Rack.

Dried Sandberry2x SandberryStamina +2 for 10 seconds
Dried Sandacuda1x Sandacuda, 1x Soy SauceStamina +36
Jerky1x MeatStamina +7
Paper2x Plant FiberStamina +10
Salted Fish1x Sand Carp, 1x SaltStamina +16

All Cooking Pot Recipes

The Cooking Pot is found at the Apprentice Cooking Station, which is unlocked after obtaining the Drying Rack. Here are all the Cooking Pot recipes in My Time at Sandrock.

Beef Noodles1x Meat, 1x Flour, 1x Soy SauceDEF +15 for 30 seconds
Braised BBQ Ribs1x Rib Meat, 1x Soy Sauce, 1x Sugar, 1x Five Spice, PowderDMG +50 for 30 seconds
Braised Meat1x Meat, 1x Potato, 1x Surgar, 1x Sand LeekDMG +4% for 30 seconds
Chestnut Pork1x Chestnut, 1x Meat, 1x Soy SauceDMG +20 for 30 seconds
Chilly Sandrice Noodles1x Sandrice, 1x Flour, 1x Soy Sauce, 1x ChilliDEF +14 for 30 seconds
Drool with Joy Noodles1x Flour, 1x Meat, 1x Rib Meat, 1x Alfalfa, 1x Seesai Pepper BlendDMG +12% for 30 seconds
Farmer’s Stew1x Meat, 1x Desert Mushroom, 1x Potato, 1x Flour, 1x Sea SaltDEF +6% for 30 seconds
Fine Beef Noodles1x Meat, 1x Flour, 1x Soy Sauce, 1x CilantroDEF +33 for 30 seconds
Fine Braised Meat1x Meat, 1x Cistanche, 1x Sugar, 1x Five Spice PowderDMG +12% for 30 seconds
Fine Hot and Sour Fish1x Sandacuda, 1x Vinegar, 1x ChiliDEF +64 for 30 seconds
Fish Porridge1x Sand Carp, 1x Rice, 1x Sand Leek, 1x Soy SauceDMG +35 for 30 seconds
Macaroni1x Flour, 1x Tomato, 1x EggDEF +9 for 30 seconds
Mushroom Soup1x Desert Mushroom, 1x Sea Salt, 1x Sand LeekDEF +16 for 30 seconds
Sand Tea Beef1x Meat, 1x Tea Leaves, 1x Cilantro, 1x Five Spice PowderDMG +56 for 30 seconds
Sand Tea Noodles1x Flour, 1x Sand Leek, 1x Soy SauceDMG +3% for 30 seconds
Sandberry Egg Soup1x Sandberry, 1x Egg, 1x Sand LeekDMG +10 for 30 seconds
Spicy Bean Paste1x Potato, 1x Meat, 1x ChiliDEF +13 for 30 seconds
Stewed Eagle Cistanche1x Cistanche, 1x Chestnut, 1x Meat, 1x Sea SaltStamina +4 for 30 seconds
Tea Egg1x Egg, 1x Tea Leaves, 1x Sea SaltDMG +16 for 30 seconds
Tea Porridge1x Tea Leaves, 1x RiceDEF +3% for 30 seconds
Tomato and Egg Soup1x Tomato, 1x Egg, 1x Sand LeekDMG +12 for 30 seconds
Tomato Beef Brisket1x Tomato, 1x Meat, 1x Sea SaltDMG +3% for 30 seconds
Tomato Fish1x Tomato, 1x Sand Carp, 1x Egg, 1x Sand LeekDEF +35 for 30 seconds

All Steamer Recipes

The Steamer is another station that is included in the Apprentice Cooking Station. Check out all the Steamer recipes available in the game!

Bitter Bean Cake1x Bitter Beans, 1x Rice, 1x SugarStamina +1 for 30 seconds
Egg Custard1x Egg, 1x Sea SaltHP +3 for 30 seconds
Fine Mushroom Forest Cake1x Desert Mushroom, 1x Egg, 1x CistancheStamina +4 for 30 seconds
Fine Sandberry Zongzi1x Sandberry, 1x Sandrice, 1x Meat, 1x Ant HoneyStamina +2 for 30 seconds
Honey Sambo1x Sandberry, 1x Cactus Leaf, 1x Cantaloupe, 1x Ant HoneyHP +19 for 30 seconds
Meat Bun1x Meat, 1x Flour, 1x Sand LeekStamina +1 for 30 seconds
Meat Stuffed Mushroom1x Desert Mushroom, 1x Meat, 1x Soy SauceHP +26 for 30 seconds
Milk Steamed Egg1x Yakmel Milk, 1x EggHP +5 for 30 seconds
Mushroom Forest Cake1x Desert Mushroom, 1x Egg, 1x SugarStamina +1 for 30 seconds
Rib Gumbo1x Rib Meat, 1x Rice, 1x Popping Oil FruitHP +51 for 30 seconds
Sandberry Sponge Cake1x Sandberry, 1x RiceHP +5 for 30 seconds
Sandberry Zongzi1x Sandberry, 1x Rice, 1x SugarStamina +1 for 30 seconds
Sandrice Cake1x Sandrice, 1x SugarStamina +1 for 30 seconds
Steamed Meat Pie with Salty Eggs1x Meat, 1x Rice, 1x Soy SauceStamina +1 for 30 seconds
Sandrice Sushi1x Sandrice, 1x Meat, 1x VinegarHP +13 for 30 seconds
Steamed Sandfish1x Sand Carp, 1x Sea Salt, 1x Sand LeekStamina +2 for 30 seconds
Steamed Sweet Potato1x Sweet PotatoHP +2 for 30 seconds
Sweet Potato with Meat1x Sweet Potato, 1x Meat, 1x Soy SauceHP +17 for 30 seconds

All Wok Recipes

Players can upgrade the Apprentice Cooking Station to the Chef’s Cooking Station. The Wok is included in the Chef’s Cooking Station, and can make all the recipes listed below.

Alfalfa Salad1x Alfalfa, 1x Sea Salt, 1x ChiliHP +109
Churros1x Flour, 1x SugarHP +33
Cilantro Meatloaf1x Meat, 1x Cilantro, 1x Flour, 1x Five Spice PowderStamina +26
Cilantro Omelet1x Cilantro, 1x Egg, 1x Sea SaltHP +159
Fine Di Sanxian1x Cistanche, 1x Desert Mushroom, 1x Alfalfa, 1x Soy SauceStamina +12%
Fruit Salad1x Cactus Leaf, 1x Sandberry, 1x CantaloupeStamina +10
Highwind Fried Rice1x Rice, 1x Potato, 1x Egg, 1x Soy SauceHP +3%
Master Chef Omelet1x Rice, 1x Potato, 1x Egg, 1x Soy SauceHP +3%
Melon and Beef1x Cantaloupe, 1x Meat, 1x Sugar, 1x Sea SaltHP +3%
Milk Chestnut1x Yakmel Milk, 1x Chestnut, 1x SugarHP +109
Onion Cake1x Flour, 1x Sand Leek, 1x Sea SaltStamina +8
Rice Omelet1x Egg, 1x Rice, 1x Soy SauceHP +97
Roast Rutabaga1x Rutabaga, 1x Sea Salt, 1x Chili, 1x AlfalfaStamina +20
Spicy and Sour Potato1x Potato, 1x Vinegar, 1x ChiliHP +75
Sugar Fried Chestnut1x Chestnut, 1x SugarStamina +7
Sweet and Sour Pork1x Rib Meat, 1x Flour, 1x SugarStamina +11
Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs1x Rib Meat, 1x sugar, 1x VinegarStamina +5%
Sweet Potato Bake1x Sweet Potato, 1x FlourStamina +5
Tomato Scrambled Egg1x Tomato, 1x Egg, 1x Sea SaltStamina +9
Veggie Stir-Fry1x cilantro, 1x Desert Mushroom, 1x Alfalfa, 1x Soy SauceStamina +8%

Related: All Recipes in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

All Oven Recipes

The last cooking station, Advanced, has the most stations available for the player. The Oven is included in the Advanced Cooking Station and can make all the recipes below.

Alfalfa Baked Eggs1x Alfalfa, 1x Egg, 1x Sea SaltCRIT DMG +2% for 30 seconds
Beef Tacos1x Meat, 1x Flour, 1x Egg, 1x Sand LeekCRIT DMG +4% for 30 seconds
Bread1x Flour, 1x Egg, 1x SugarCRIT DMG +2% for 30 seconds
Cheese Sandwich1x Flour, 1x Yakmel Milk, 1x Egg, 1x TomatoCRIT DMG +3% for 30 seconds
Five Spice Steak1x Rib Meat, 1x Potato, 1x Five Spice Powder, 1x Sea SaltCIT DMG +8% for 30 seconds
Hashbrown1x Potato, 1x Flour, 1x Egg, 1x Sand LeekCRIT DMG +3% for 30 seconds
Honey Barbecued Pork1x Meat, 1x Ant Honey, 1x Five Spice Powder, 1x Soy SauceCRIT DMG +6% for 30 seconds
Lasagne1x Flour, 1x Yakmel Milk, 1x Tomato, 1x MeatCRIT DMG +4% for 30 seconds
Marinated Steak1x Rib Meat, 1x Sea Salt, 1x Five Spice Powder, 1x Seesai PepperCRIT DMG +8% for 30 seconds
Melon Mousse1x Cantaloupe, 1x Flour, 1x EggCRIT DMG +2% for 30 seconds
Pizza1x Flour, 1x Yakmel Milk, 1x Meat, 1x EggCRIT DMG +3% for 30 seconds
Roasted Sweet Potato1x Sweet PotatoCRIT DMG +1% for 30 seconds
Sweet Potato Pie1x Sweet Potato, 1x Flour, 1x EggCRIT DMG +2% for 30 seconds

All Blender Recipes

Below you will find all the recipes for the Blender, a station found on the Advanced Cooking Station.

Bassia Potion1x Foggy Bassia, 1x Bitter BeansPrevents Burns for 60 seconds
Bran Bait2x Flour, 2x Rice, 1x WaterN/A
Fang Special1x Lavender Extract, 1x OreganoHP +30%
Fang Special X1x Fang Special, 1x CistancheHP +60%
Fertilizer2x Manure, 1x Plant FiberN/A
Five Spice Powder1x Chili, 1x Seesai Pepper, 1x Alfalfa, 1x GarlicN/A
Flour4x WheatN/A
Golden Bell Pill1x Haloxylon Fruit, 1x Yakmel HornDEF +20% for 30 seconds
Hermostat3x Oregano, 1x Medicine BottleHP +300
Iron Muscle Soup1x Cactus Flower, 1x Animal BonesDMG +20% for 60 seconds
Lavender Extract1x Ant Honey, 1x Yellow LavenderHP +10 for 30 seconds
Orchid Extract1x Hyacinth Orchid, 1x Bitter BeansPrevent Poison for 60 seconds
Sandberry Jam1x Sandberry, 1x SugarEndurance +2 for 30 seconds
Strong Medicine3x Bitter Beans, 1x Medicine BottleHP +800
Thunderweed Extract1x Heliconia Nail, 1x Bitter BeansPrevents Numb for 60 seconds

How to Unlock Recipes in My Time at Sandrock

Unlocking recipes in My Time at Sandrock boils down to experimentation. To officially unlock a recipe, you must simply make food by putting the correct ingredients into the cooking machine. When you combine ingredients that create an actual recipe, the recipe will be added to your inventory. If you experiment and fail, then you will receive Food Scraps, which are worthless.

You can either use this guide to unlock all the recipes mentioned, or you can speak to the townfolk, who will sometimes give you recipes!

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My Time at Sandrock Cooking Guide: All Recipes and How to Unlock Them | Attack of the Fanboy (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.